First FIAP Salon Acceptances

A small group of  photographers from Limerick have been getting together in the pub about once every few weeks to discuss FIAP Salon entries.

From Wikipedia: FIAP is the Fédération Internationale de l’Art Photographique,  (Eng. The International Federation of Photographic Art), and is an international organization of national associations of photography. More than 85 national associations are members, comprising nearly one million individual photographers.

Based on those informal chats, I decided to enter a few Salons, so I entered my very first salon – the 4th Luxemburg International Digital Contest. I got the results back today. There were 3990 submitted images, out of which 994 were selected for acceptance. Thats just a shade under 25%. Any image which got 18 points or better from the judges were accepted (from a maximum of 24). Out of the 4 images I submitted, I was lucky enough to have two of them accepted, for which I’m very grateful to the judging panel.


Reluctant Magician


Violin and Double Bass

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